Lobster Claw Nebula

Bubble Nebula


My first attempt at the October Cassiopeia Nebula photo challenge is the nebula rich region on Cassiopeia’s right elbow. 

The Lobster Claw Nebula or as Ellen has renamed, Crab Nebula, is an emission nebula 11,000 light years from Earth. 

The Bubble Nebula is a much more famous target from its beautiful Hubble photo. The bubble is the result of extremely hot space wind being generated from that young and very hot center star. 

M52 is an open cluster of stars that can be seen with binoculars on a dark night. All those guys are packed into just 7 light years across. 

Here is how I did it!

Object: Bubble Nebula, Lobster Claw Nebula, M52

Exposure: 130 x 90sec (3hours 20 minutes, 25 darks)

Bortle scale: 4 - Estes Park, CO 

Optics: William Optics Redcat51

Camera: Canon EOS Ra

Mount: Star Adventurer

Filters: Astronmik CLS clip in

Software: StarrySkyStacker, Photoshop

~Clear Skies~